January 2021

The Challenge

Global climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time and solutions will require coordinated efforts from multiple organizations and sectors to understand the nature of the challenge and devise viable solutions. PNW recognized its unique capacity to work with different research organizations and end users of the research, like land managers in the US Forest System. Though they could invite these different entities together, they were unsure how best to facilitate participants to recognize where and how they could effectively collaborate to create needed research products.

How We Helped

GLI partnered with different representatives of the invited participant group to design a dynamic workshop. We convened the group to connect to each other and their shared purpose, identify realistic goals, and craft realistic next moves people and groups could take together.

The Outcome

As a result of the workshop, disparate and diverse partners had stronger relationships, greater collective understanding of how they could work together and a plan for creating more effective research tools and products in service to addressing global climate change.